The United States State Department has issued an advisory for Americans traveling to the Bahamas Exercise to use “increased caution” due to crime and a high homicide rate.

According to the State Department, most of the crime is happening in the New Providence (Nassau) and Grand Bahama (Freeport) islands.

The Bahamas Travel Advisory states that visitors should “practice increased vigilance in the “Over the Hill” area (south of Shirley Street) where gang-on-gang violence has resulted in a high homicide rate primarily affecting the local population.”

The State Department says violent crimes, such as burglaries, armed robberies, and sexual assaults, occur in both tourist and non-tourist areas and further advises travelers to be vigilant when staying at short-term vacation rental properties where private security companies do not have a presence. 

The advisory urges travelers to the Bahamas to:

– Do not answer your door at your hotel/residence unless you know who it is.  

– Do not physically resist any robbery attempt.  

– Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to make it easier to locate you in an emergency.  

– Review the Country Security Report for The Bahamas.  

For more from the US State Department, click here.

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