Generative AI is causing a lot of disruption in creative sectors. For some people, it’s helping them to do the most tiresome parts of their jobs faster, but it’s also started to replace some jobs entirely, and that extends to Hollywood.

A new study commissioned by a quartet of arts organisations surveyed 300 executives, producers and mid-level mangers to reveal how some of the most powerful people in the entertainment industry think generative AI will affect their HR needs. The results make for sobering reading while shedding light on the roles in film, TV and gaming that could be most impacted.

A figure from the report, Future Unscripted (Image credit: CVL Economics)

AI played a role in the writers’ and actors’ strikes in Hollywood last year. However, the survey suggests that those jobs are among those that will be least affected by AI in the coming years (although the agreements reached after the strike perhaps influenced the execs’ thinking here).

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