Focus Features has it in the bag. The studio had landed the rights to Black Bag, a Steven Soderbergh package that hit the town last week. As The Hollywood Reporter previously revealed, it will star Cate Blanchett and Michael Fassbender.

Jurassic Park screenwriter David Koepp penned the script for the spy thriller. Casey Silver and Greg Jacobs are producing the project. Focus is coming off of Oscar noms morning, where it landed five for The Holdovers.

This marks the second sale of the week for the filmmaker, whose horror film Presence sold to Neon out of Sundance. Koepp, who is also writing a Jurassic World movie, was the screenwriter of Presence.

For Soderbergh, Black Bag marks a reunion with Blanchett, who starred in his 2006 feature The Good German and 2018’s Ocean’s 8. Fassbender appeared in Soderbergh’s Haywire in 2011.

Black Bag, which CAA repped for sales, is one of several high-profile packages to hit Hollywood in recent weeks.

Black Bag is the latest high-profile and high-wattage feature package that has hit Hollywood in the last two weeks. Ryan Coogler and Michael B. Jordan are shopping a secret genre thriller, while Danny Boyle and Alex Garland have 28 Years Later, the sequel to their 2002 zombie collaboration, 28 Days Later.

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