MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) — Phil Calvert, better known as “Philwaukee” on social media, grew up on Milwaukee’s north side, but went to Greendale High School as part of the 220 Program — taking inner-city kids to the suburbs for school. 

It’s that culture shock as a kid that he says helps him today, as he travels the world influencing others to do the same. 

“I live in hotels, Airbnbs,” Calvert said. “Sometimes I wake up in the morning and I’m like, ‘Where am I?’ And I’m like, ‘OK, yes.’ Remembering my hotel rooms is hard.” 

For our CBS 58 interview with Calvert, it was room 434 in the Trade Hotel in downtown Milwaukee. But before this, it was Memphis, Detroit and Charlotte, working for Draft Kings and the NBA. Before that; Mexico, Vermont, and Georgia for NBC — and that’s just the last few months. 

Right after our CBS 58 interview, Calvert flew to India and then back to Mexico. 

“The positive about living on the road is you get to see different cultures all the time,” said Calvert. “It’s always something different and that’s what I strive for getting into this profession, seeing different cultures, jumping into different cultures — that’s the positive for me.” 

Positivity is what Philwaukee focuses on.

“Pushing positivity has been the goal. Coming from where we come from, there’s a lot of things you can reflect on in a negative way. But once you change your perspective, your life can change,” said Calvert. 

Calvert’s life changed in 2016. 

“This airline company from Iceland, they had a contest, ‘The Best Job in the World,’ where you could go to different locations and Snapchat it to everybody,” Calvert explained. 

Eight years, and over 70 countries later, Philwaukee doesn’t have a house or an apartment, or even a bed of his own. He’s given all of that up for his jet-setting social media lifestyle, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a home. 

“You ask anybody about Milwaukee who’s not from Milwaukee and they always have something positive to say,” said Calvert. “I’m proud of that. I’m proud to be from Milwaukee. I wouldn’t be who I am if I wasn’t from Milwaukee.” 

Whether it’s Milwaukee, Mexico, or Mumbai, Philwaukee doesn’t plan on slowing down anytime soon. 

“If I get a wife or a girlfriend or some kids, I’ll settle down. But for now, it’s just me and the world, so I’m ready,” Calvert said. “It’s going to be hotel rooms and feeling the culture for me.” 

See more from our interview with Philwaukee below. 

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