Wednesday, January 24, 2024


International SOS highlights proactive health and safety strategies for educational communities as global travel and exchanges resume.

In observance of the International Day of Education, International SOS, a global leader in health and security risk services, emphasizes the vital importance of forward-thinking actions in fostering the health, safety, and overall welfare of the international educational community. This approach is increasingly significant as educational travel and exchange programs resume in a world facing complex geopolitical dynamics and the lingering impacts of worldwide crises.

In spite of ongoing hurdles, data from UNESCO and the Institute of International Education revealed a stable count of 6.4 million international tertiary-level students in 2023. The participation of these students in study abroad programs and educational trips exposes them to a variety of environments, along with associated risks. From unforeseen medical emergencies and accidents to security threats and cultural adaptability issues, educational institutions are tasked with the responsibility to anticipate and address these challenges, ensuring the safety and wellbeing of students throughout their travel experiences.

The growing need for robust resilience measures is also evident in data from International SOS, which recorded a 20.2% rise in requests for security advice and assistance and a 29% increase in evacuations and repatriations among educational clients. This trend highlights the escalating complexity and uncertainty confronting students and educators, accentuating the critical need for proactive risk management strategies to safeguard their safety and wellbeing.

Henning Snyman, Regional Security Director at International SOS, said “The past few years have challenged educators and institutions on multiple fronts, from navigating immediate demands of online learning and supporting students through pandemic-related anxieties to managing the ever-present risks of a changing world. While the resumption of international mobility within the education sector offers exciting opportunities, this pursuit must be coupled with risk management strategies. Navigating the complex interplay between academic freedom and risk management presents a significant challenge for educators and institutions in today’s globalised education landscape.

“Partnering with overseas providers with local expertise can help educational institutions navigate the dynamic travel landscape and strengthens on the ground support for trip participants. Institutions must, however, clarify shared responsibilities for support and emergencies, ensuring seamless integration with their own plans and procedures. Leveraging expertise from the ISO 31030 framework, International SOS is actively involved in the development of the new ISO 31030 standard – Risk Management for Youth and School Trips. This document will provide guidance for managing risk for youth and school trips for both domestic and international travel and include guidelines for creating an emergency response plan.”

Dr Nikki Mepham, Regional Medical Director at International SOS, said “Beyond security threats, educational institutions should also evaluate the destination’s prevalent diseases and local healthcare capability. It is crucial to ensure that all students and accompanying staff are up to date with their vaccinations, taking antimalarials if prescribed and taking measures to avoid insect bites. By educating and implementing comprehensive prevention and management strategies, schools can minimise the risk of contracting infectious diseases during these outings.

“Psychosocial factors such as cultural adjustment, travel anxieties and potential language barriers should also be considered. Pre-departure workshops and access to mental health resources can support students and staff, providing them with coping mechanisms and also addressing concerns before they arise. Investing in wellbeing, from physical health to mental resilience, allows educational institutions to foster a thriving learning environment where students can explore the world confidently while ensuring their safety.”

To support educational institutions in safeguarding the health, welfare, and security of their communities, especially during travel, International SOS suggests several proactive strategies:

  1. Conduct comprehensive pre-travel risk assessments for all educational trips, evaluating the security and medical landscape of the destination, considering the unique needs of students, and addressing potential cultural challenges. Special attention should be given to the needs of individuals with special requirements.
  2. Provide detailed pre-travel health and safety briefings to students and staff, informing them about local customs, cultural sensitivities, health and safety norms, and emergency protocols. Supply them with essential resources and communication tools to effectively navigate different environments.
  3. Develop and implement thorough infection control plans for both on-campus and travel programs. This includes establishing hygiene protocols, preparing for potential outbreak scenarios, and ensuring access to adequate medical resources.
  4. Equip trip leaders with effective incident management protocols and round-the-clock assistance and support capabilities. They should be prepared to coordinate with local services, have access to reliable information, and possess the resources necessary to manage unforeseen events.
  5. Enhance mental health literacy and address related stigma by training school staff, teachers, and peers in psychological first aid and support mechanisms.

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Tags: global travel, health

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