North Norwegian contributions

“We are pleased to award this contract to a company in Northern Norway. LNS estimates that around 70 percent of the generated value will end up in Northern Norway, creating about 200 person-years (FTEs) of employment. For Equinor, it has been important that the Snøhvit Future project should create ripple effects throughout the region,” says Trond Bokn, Equinor’s senior vice president for project development.

CEO of LNS Group, Frode Nilsen. LNS delivers services within tunnel work, infrastructure and mining. (Photo: Arne O. Holm).

CEO Frode Nilsen of LNS says they are happy and proud to have been awarded the contract.

“This shows that companies in Northern Norway can also assert themselves on the largest and most complex projects. We appreciate that Equinor sees the value of our expertise and what exists in our region,” says Nilsen.

In this project, LNS will collaborate with suppliers from all over Northern Norway, including Viggo Eriksen AS, Alta Anlegg AS, Jaro AS and Ofoten Mek AS.

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