Having a better flying experience might be as simple as wearing a certain color, as one travel writer claims that wearing red subconsciously makes you appear more important to airline staff.

According to Stephanie Lee, a travel advice blogger for Airplane Tips, a phenomenon known as “The Red Dress Effect,” where studies have shown that women wearing red are seen as more desirable, also applies to the skies.

“Airline staff may subconsciously perceive passengers in red as more important or of higher status, leading to enhanced customer service experiences. So, if you want to receive top-notch treatment during your travels, consider incorporating red into your airport attire,” Lee wrote in the post.

According to studies done on color psychology, or the study of how hues affect human behavior, the color red is most commonly associated with love, desire, anger, power and passion.

Studies done on “The Red Dress Effect” have shown an increase in attraction. A 2016 article by Psychology Today cites a study that said that men find women wearing red as more desirable, and another that claimed that women were more likely to subconsciously choose to wear red if they believed they were meeting someone attractive.

Wearing the color red can cause people to react to something with greater force and speed, according to a 2011 study published by APA PyscNet.

On TikTok, a similar theory called the “red nail theory” rose to popularity in 2023, in which women shared stories about receiving more attention from men when they had red nails. Other users claimed that while they were still single while having red nails, they felt more confident.

“It’s important to note that while red can have a positive impact on how others perceive you, it’s always essential to dress comfortably and appropriately for your journey. Experiment with incorporating red accents or accessories into your airport outfit to take advantage of the psychological benefits this vibrant color offers,” Lee wrote on the blog.

Woman wearing a red top in in airplane seat.
A travel blogger recommended wearing red to improve your flight experience as studies show that people are more likely to pay more attention to those wearing red.Getty Images

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