Nicole Kidman says she was told she wouldn’t have a career in Hollywood because she was too tall.

The Australian actor is best known for starring in projects like “Moulin Rouge,” “The Others,” and the “Aquaman” franchise, as well as winning the Oscar for best actress for playing Virginia Woolf in “The Hours.”

Speaking on the “Radio Times Podcast” on Tuesday, Kidman said that her height was initially a challenge when she broke into acting.

“I was told, ‘You won’t have a career. You’re too tall,’” she said.

Kidman recalled attending an open audition for “Annie,” and said she had to fight to go in because she was taller than the other girls.

“I had to talk my way through the door because they were measuring you before you went in. I was mortified,” said the actor.

The “Big Little Lies” star also said she was bullied when she was younger.

“I say I’m 5 foot 10 ½ inches, but I’m really 5 foot 11 inches. I was teased. I was called Storky,” said Kidman.

Kidman went on to say that being taller than average can be irritating when she’s on set.

“It will bother me when I’m acting and I want to be small — but then there are times when I appreciate it when it’s related to what I’m doing and I go, ‘OK, I can use this now,’” she said.

“Hey, I’m incredibly grateful to be healthy and walking around. Having said that, I’ve had knee issues and all sorts of things — partly because of my height,” Kidman added.

Nicole Kidman after the release of her second movie "BMX Bandit" in Sydney, Australia in 1983.

Nicole Kidman after the release of her second movie “BMX Bandit” in Sydney in 1983.

Patrick Riviere/Getty Images

The actor also said she’s learned valuable lessons from how people have treated her due to her height, which she’s passed on to her daughters.

“What I tell my daughters is that none of it matters,” said Kidman. “What matters is how you allow other people to either say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to you, and whether you accept that. Inner resilience as a human being, that’s the superpower, really.”

Aside from being criticized for her height, at 17, Kidman was also helping care for her mother, who was diagnosed with breast cancer.

In 2020, the star told Byrdie she trained to become a massage therapist to give her mom therapeutic treatment.

“It’s an interesting story because my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was 45. I was 17, and I became a masseuse and did a course because we couldn’t afford for her to get massages after her chemo and her radiation,” Kidman said.

“We didn’t have enough money. So I learned to give massage. And then I really fell in love with giving massage,” she added. “And as a daughter, it was my way of helping her through the most traumatic time for us as a family. It’s a beautiful thing to be able to give.”

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